Currently sitting next to the legendary Brian Gottfried in computer lab A, I am tired. However, for the first time in a long time, I understand how to do my chemistry.

Today is Thursday. Oftentimes, Thursday is a good day, though filled with apprehension for Friday. Thursday there’s often not much work to do as people are mainly preparing for the massive amount of tests the next day. Thursday nights are truly hellish though. Between decent amounts of homework, one must put a massive amount of energy into their scholarly pursuits, often ending up with an extremely late bedtime. However, thankfully tonight I don’t have to deal with that as I have a day off tomorrow. Truly lovely. However (it’s just never easy), I still have to get up at roughly the same time tomorrow for a six hour show choir rehearsal! Yeah! Choir! Shows! It’s going to look like garbage. We have started a new dance a week before our first show, which is never a good idea. I won’t go into it, but our fairly stellar choir is being run into the ground by too much ambition and an oblivious authoritarian.

Well that’s actually really harsh. I like Mrs. Butler, I really really do. I just feel like if you’ve been rehearsing for 6 weeks, it’s kind of silly to start a new dance a WEEK BEFORE our debut, regardless of how crazy the choreography for the other numbers was. It’s also silly that we haven’t actually sang for 3 weeks or so. Just danced. Thus I don’t really know or have forgotten my part so I’m sort of ad libbing while I’m flailing my arms up there.

Well anyway. That was a long ramble about nothing really in particular. But I find that those are often the most satisfying, you know? Talking about nothing of real importance is a sort of really nice way to let off steam. Or make yourself look like a fool. But both are always nice.

Published in: on 10/15/2009 at 10:19 am  Leave a Comment  

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