2 Day weeks blow.

Why in the world is the hardest week of school thus far the shortest one of the year? This defies logic. In two days I am expected to complete a Chemistry problem set, write a new draft (and two new blog entries. Shoutouts to ma blog!!!) of an article for journalism, translate 30 lines of Latin, graph a few equations for pre calc, and do a plethora of AP US (which is enough work in and of itself for about a day and a half of homework). I legitimately do not know how I’ll get this done. But I shall persevere!

On a lighter note, I finished a book called The Virgin Suicides this weekend, which is completely amazing. It’s one of the most beautfully written books I’ve ever read. Now I think I’m gonna move on to The Mysteries of Pittsburgh or The Unbearable Lightness of Being. For anyone who’s actually reading this, do you have any suggestions. That’d be lovely.

Until next time fellow Interwebbers!

Published in: on 11/23/2009 at 3:51 pm  Leave a Comment  

Ernest Hemingway writes like a hard drinking six year old.

Good evening ladies and gentleman! I am pleased to inform you that I have indeed lately found myself with slightly more time on my hands than before. I resolved to not let junior year kick my ass and to let myself not freak out, and it’s working! Woo hoo!

Anyway, right now I’m reading The Sun Also Rises. And it’s good. But really stark. Hemingway has this penchant for filling a good amount of the book up with useless conversation. Which is annoying to some extent, but I spose it’s necessary. Nothing I can do about it. I’m still looking forward to finishing it. He kind of writes like a hard drinking six year old (Direct quote: “In the morning it was bright, and they were sprinkling the streets of the town, and we all had breakfast in a cafe. Bayonne is a nice town. It is like a very clean Spanish town and it is on a big river”). It’s kind of hilarious.

When I’m done though, I really want to read this book called The Virgin Suicides. I read a few pages of it in the library the other day and it’s electric. I love it. Of course, It would figure that while I have some amount of free time now, I don’t quite have enough to read a book. The gods of literature must be conspiring against me.

Guess what I just found. This is so great.


Published in: on 10/29/2009 at 9:41 pm  Leave a Comment  


I just got a song dedicated to me on the radio! Woo91! Hell yes! Listen to the Two Hour Power Shower with DJ Bad News, aka the amazing Alexa Norris. Definitely the best DJ evaaaa.

No, but really. She’s great. And the music is fantastic.

Oh, there’s some guy named David there too. He’s not really very important.

Published in: on 10/22/2009 at 10:40 pm  Leave a Comment  

Currently sitting next to the legendary Brian Gottfried in computer lab A, I am tired. However, for the first time in a long time, I understand how to do my chemistry.

Today is Thursday. Oftentimes, Thursday is a good day, though filled with apprehension for Friday. Thursday there’s often not much work to do as people are mainly preparing for the massive amount of tests the next day. Thursday nights are truly hellish though. Between decent amounts of homework, one must put a massive amount of energy into their scholarly pursuits, often ending up with an extremely late bedtime. However, thankfully tonight I don’t have to deal with that as I have a day off tomorrow. Truly lovely. However (it’s just never easy), I still have to get up at roughly the same time tomorrow for a six hour show choir rehearsal! Yeah! Choir! Shows! It’s going to look like garbage. We have started a new dance a week before our first show, which is never a good idea. I won’t go into it, but our fairly stellar choir is being run into the ground by too much ambition and an oblivious authoritarian.

Well that’s actually really harsh. I like Mrs. Butler, I really really do. I just feel like if you’ve been rehearsing for 6 weeks, it’s kind of silly to start a new dance a WEEK BEFORE our debut, regardless of how crazy the choreography for the other numbers was. It’s also silly that we haven’t actually sang for 3 weeks or so. Just danced. Thus I don’t really know or have forgotten my part so I’m sort of ad libbing while I’m flailing my arms up there.

Well anyway. That was a long ramble about nothing really in particular. But I find that those are often the most satisfying, you know? Talking about nothing of real importance is a sort of really nice way to let off steam. Or make yourself look like a fool. But both are always nice.

Published in: on 10/15/2009 at 10:19 am  Leave a Comment  

Oh Lord.

So yesterday I purchased Fallout 3.

I’m excited.

It is the ultimate videogame. I’m not going to go into why. It would take too long. And I have profuse amounts of work to do, which, ironically enough, leads me to my point.


Between the escalating intensity of play rehearsal (which, to whoever’s reading this, you should TOTALLY go see) and missing two days this week and floundering to keep my head above water academically, I have no time for myself anymore. This is not a good thing. I’m thinking I’m going to stage some sort of revolt and take over the school as if it were the Bastille. AND ANYONE WHO DOES NOT FOLLOW MY RULE SHALL BE DECAPITATED WITH THE PAPER CUTTER IN THE ART ROOM.


Well now that that’s over with. I’m going to go try and be productive. But, seriously, that paper cutter is crazy.

Published in: on 10/14/2009 at 8:51 pm  Comments (2)  

Today I watched The Squid and the Whale! Such a good movie! And it’s only 80 minutes long, so I was able to culture myself AND fit it into my busy schedule of procrastination, which I am heartily working on now by not studying my chemistry!

Chemistry is…Interesting. On one hand, thus far in the year, I have sort of awakened a dormant interest in the subject which I didn’t knew I had. On the other hand, the course is taught by *drumroll* the infamous Scott McWilliam.

Now he’s a very nice guy, don’t get me wrong. But he may be the worst teacher I have ever even heard of. I don’t think he’s a real one. I think he held the Dean of some University up at gunpoint and demanded a Bachelor’s Degree in chemistry. I can’t even imagine him grading papers. I merely see him as a man who gives us assignments to do and grades us based on how well we have done them. But not as a man who teaches us anything. He doesn’t explain what he needs to and instead focuses on things we all learned a long time ago. Fine example: Today we learned how to round properly. FOR 20 MINUTES. Insanity. Though on the bright side we watched a profoundly interesting video about scientific notation. That’s actually not a joke. It was sweet. They zoomed in and out of a guy napping on a picnic blanket. Lawlz.

Anyway, I should probably get on that homework. Oh great calamity. Farewell!

Published in: on 09/24/2009 at 11:07 pm  Leave a Comment  

Forced blogging is certainly not the most productive method of extraction of ideas and/or information. Especially with 4 hours of sleep. Instead of regaling (or miserably attempting to, rather), I’m going to find as many ridiculous pictures as I can on teh interwebz and entertain you with them, Therefore defeating any journalistic purpose of this assignment. At least for the time being. Ready, steady, go.


Pure Joy.

Pure Joy.

Sock Monster.

Sock Monster.

Death by zombie children!!!!!

Death by zombie children!!!!!

Panda win
Oh, it is.

Oh, it is.

Published in: on 09/21/2009 at 10:42 am  Leave a Comment  

It is so late. I totally just tried to upload a Kinks song to this. That completely failed. Bleh. Anyway…I may as well try and collect my thoughts and try and write something pertinent. Does that mean anything in that context? Oh God, I’m not questioning my vocabulary this late at night.

So the other day I watched that Clint Eastwood movie “Unforgiven”. Wow. Not gonna lie, I was kind of expecting a lot more. Clint Eastwood is completely not badass for about 90% of the movie and is instead lying on a bed, dying, whining about how he won’t indulge of pleasures of the flesh and such. I mean what the f*$%. It’s Clint Eastwood.

Then Morgan Freeman dies. Yes, you heard me right. THEY KILLED MORGAN FREEMAN. I couldn’t believe it myself. I almost shut it off right then (which, in retrospect, may actually have been a good idea. I legitimately spent 6 hours on homework that night), but I only had 15 minutes left and decided to stick it out. Clint Eastwood does totally shoot Gene Hackman in the face. Which is cool and all. But it doesn’t make up for 110 minutes of Eastwood wheezing “I guess so” (which I’m pretty sure he replied to every “yes or no” question he was asked with), and completely failing to ride a horse.

Oh God, I just realized I kind of gave away that Morgan Freeman died. Crap. Well, whatever. It’s not that good anyway, and I am far too lazy to attempt editing this sad, sad blog entry.

Published in: on 09/13/2009 at 2:06 am  Leave a Comment  

“I’m sorry for your loss. Your mother was a terribly attractive woman…”

Good afternoon! Currently I am sitting in the “state of the art” media center of the Westlake High School library, being a wanna be yuppie. Why? Because I’ve finally gotten a blog.
We have to have a focus, so I suppose, since I’m lazy, and I really don’t know about much else, mine will be about culture, its effect on my life, and all that other good stuff. It WILL be chock full of teen angst, rest assured. I’m excited! Are you!?

Why? Because I can. IT'S MY BLOG.

Why? Because I can. IT'S MY BLOG.

Published in: on 09/02/2009 at 2:13 pm  Leave a Comment  
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